Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Zaha Hadid's temporary pavilion in Millennium Park, CHGO, today. I'm not all that impressed just yet, but I'll give it some time and a few visits to sink in. Its amazing to have these two pavilions within walking distance from the office, I've been able to keep checking in on them and see how people are interacting with them. As much as I respect UN Studio and Hadid, I have to honestly say I expected more- true interaction/adjustability, honesty in materials...? What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I have not seen Hadid's in person yet, but so far like it much better than van Berkel's (even though it has been delivered beyond schedule). I will have to stop by and check it out with the movie playing inside of "the Conch” or “the Pod”, whatever you want to call it, and will have to wait and see which one is more interactive...I also like the fact that Hadid's will be dismantled and can be reconstructed elsewhere.

    Blair Kamin had a good write here.
